Deep Prophetic
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"And so it is, My word says that My Spirit strives with no man, but it quickens and prompts them that are called by my name and that is the difference.
My Spirit quickens, burdens and illuminates.
As you understand all I have said and you live by it, it is well with you. As you understand perfectly the role of the Holy Spirit, it is well with you.
For My role must be understood in the life of every of My children and it is only by so can My people walk in liberty, knowing My Will and walking the Way, BUT when My people do not know My Will and Role, it is not good.
I Prompt, I direct, I Quicken, I Teach BUT I DO NOT STRIVE with any man, and that is why men choose to do that which they do, thinking that they know Me and understand My Way but it shall not be so with you, and so you shall be careful of such fellows, you shall not walk with such fellows.
You shall walk with Me seeking only My counsel, My counsel are unlimited.
Many have not understood the Holy Spirit, they are waiting for the Holy Spirit to strive with them, and when I do not strive with them, they become wise in their own eyes and disobey My Prompts and Quickening.
To all them that have chosen to live by My prompts and Quickening, it is well with them for I am still God, let them wait and listen to My prompts and quickening and not My striving, which I NEVER do.
My word says that woe unto them that are complacent in Zion, you shall not be complacent in Zion. You shall be alert and Zealous in Zion, for in Zeal Paul and all the Apostles were able to walk in their destiny, says the Lord.
“Again I say to you, you cannot accept one of the trinity without accepting the rest if you want to know God, hear from God, obey God and enter into the latter glory. You cannot neglect, ignore, or disassociate yourself from the Trinity or any one of the Trinity.
And so the knowledge of all the three is important. My word says it all and it is for men to accept and acknowledge, for acceptance comes with acknowledging and acknowledging comes with acceptance, says the Lord.”
Whoever Desires to hear from Me shall hear from Me because I am not far away. I am not deaf neither Am I dumb, so whoever desires to hear from Me, I will speak and that one shall hear from Me, says the Lord."
Adonai El-Shaddai High Commission Ministries
P.O. Box 48
Glenwood MD 21738
Tel: 929 414 5750
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P.O Box 48
Glenwood MD 21738